

  • 12:39 Wishing, at least for a little while, that I could have the life of Penny Arcade's founders - tinyurl.com/2mnxat #
  • 12:41 ...and yes, I just NOW sat down at my desk. Love me some meetings. #
  • 12:43 I'm GOING to get this power-saving remote computing set up tinyurl.com/2xrv4m #
  • 13:37 Desparately wishing I could start up a company half as cool or as profitable as this girl tinyurl.com/248rsh #
  • 14:26 Lovin' the musical stylings of the John Butler Trio - tinyurl.com/2c3q74 #
  • 15:40 Loving this kids' chalk board table tinyurl.com/34p2g4 #
  • 15:46 Updated John Butler Trio playlist tinyurl.com/2buwcv #
  • 15:47 Reading an NYT article about laptops in meetings. And no, I'm not in a meeting. tinyurl.com/yre354 #
  • 15:51 Need to check that router my Uncle gave me to see if it's hackable like this tinyurl.com/oug4p #
  • 16:12 Feelin nostalgic listening to: Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand #
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