

Hi guys, sorry it's been a while since my last post.  I'm working on redesigning/adding new elements to this blog, so all that time I usually take to create a post, I've been playing around with CSS code and the like.

See that title?  My wife and I have been joking that most of my conversations start with that.  My co-workers always tell me that I know all the cool sites.  Well ya know what?  It's time I shared some of those with you.  Lay these bookmarks on your friends, and they'll think you've got all the cool sites, too.

  • You've just gotten home from work and it's time to make dinner, but what to make?  You search through the pantry and fridge and find a random collection of ingredients that just don't seem to go together.  Are you lost and doomed to a life of fast food?  Oh no my friend, check out Allrecipes.com's Recipe Ingredient Search
    . Just enter in those seemingly unrelated ingredients, and this site will spit out great food ideas for that unusual assortment.

  • Got a question? Sure, we all do. Before you go talking to your Uncle Charlie or whoever, check out Ask Metafilter, an online forum for anyone to ask a question and anyone else to answer it. Some of the answers are terrible, but there's also some true gold to be found there. A great search function will help you find if anyone's already asked your question.

  • Great games have great music. Great geeks want the music. Great downloaders can find it here.

  • I like my coffee, especially from my Melitta One:One coffee pod machine. Interested in the one-cup phenomenon? Like every other fad, it has a blog.

  • And if you've lost your coffee mug, here are the twelve principles for finding something lost.

  • If you want to learn more about web development, don't buy a book - it's already online. Meet the Web Developer's Handbook.

  • LIFEHACKER. Lifehacker, lifehacker, lifehacker. If you don't know immediately what this is, go there now. I've found more information to enrich my life here than any other web site. Seriously, it's like second to the Bible in that category.

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