
QUICK HITS 023 - The Great Jordan

  • 09:24 @jabbott: I know your love for pencils, but you are NOT paying $28 for one! #
  • 10:37 Amazed that ESPNRadio is replacing Dan Patrick with Tirico and Stephen A Smith!?! - tinyurl.com/yro3of #
  • 11:51 Watching Biff from "Back to the Future" sing about his life - tinyurl.com/z2h46 #
  • 14:42 Thinking about using Mint - www.mint.com/ #
  • 15:56 Watching the trailer for "Across the Universe" - I wanna see it! - tinyurl.com/yulzgw #
  • 16:39 @jabbott: Did you see our Webmaster Jam Session was listed on 456 Berea St.? - tinyurl.com/3aeepc #
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